
Take a step and look at the bigger picture of your life. Are you satisfied with where you are right now? Is there anything you want to

If you are one of the many people who are struggling to lose their belly fat, have problems with their sexual performance, or even if you
don't have the energy to do the things you once loved, then you should consider a complete wellbeing transformation.

On this day, we will review the Unlock Your Hip Flexor. This program is said to be one of the most effective ways to improve your wellbeing.
In this in-depth review, we will discover how this program can help your body, weigh its pros and cons, and help to determine if this is the right program that will suit your needs.

Product Name: Unlock Your Hip Flexor

Creator’s Name: Rick Kaselj and Mike Westerdal

Bonus: Yes

Money-Back Guarantee: 60 Days

What is unlock your hip flexors

This program focuses on improving your overall wellbeing and, as the name implies, targets the mobility of your hip to achieve this goal. It contains ten dynamic exercises that are meticulously designed to strengthen your hip flexors.

For a little science today, hip flexors are also known as the psoas. The psoas refers to the two crucial muscles that connect the upper part of your body to the lower part. It is vital in major bodily movements, including jumping, walking, running, lifting objects, and bending.

Now, this program“s sole focus is to strengthen your hips and achieve its highest form of flexibility. Performing the hip flexor exercises will improve its performance, and as a result, improves your overall wellbeing as well. You can burn fat quickly and increase your energy level.
The author emphasizes that when your hip flexors are tight, then you will suffer a decrease in your overall wellbeing. That is why you mustn’t get stiff in your hips and lower back.

The creator of the program:

Rick Kaselj has over 20 years of hands-on experience helping people overcome injury and pain. He is the guy who teaches other fitness professionals the newest techniques for helping their own clients. To date, Rick has given over 302 live presentations to over 5897 health and fitness professionals across Canada and the USA.

Mike Westerdal is a national best-selling fitness author, sports nutrition specialist, personal trainer, Iron Man magazine contributor and founder of the internet's longest-standing strength site, CriticalBench.com.

How does it work?

The program is designed to help you achieve improved overall wellbeing. By training your hip flexors, you will benefit from a lot of things - from an increased libido to better athletic performance.

This course is divided into two parts: the central manual and the videos. In the main manual, you will find all the contents explaining the connection between your nervous system and weight loss. The videos will explain to you how to execute all the exercises mentioned in the manual.

By following the program, you'll be able to lose weight, tone your stomach and muscles, improve your sexual performance, improve the
quality of your sleep, and your overall health.

While it does not contain any recipes or the lists of foods that you should include in your diet, the program’s main target is the exercises that you should do to unlock your hip flexors.

This program is ideal for people who are suffering from bad posture, high anxiety, nagging joint paints, deteriorating immune system, sleeping disorders, and locked-up hips.

It works by improving the primal muscle of your body and unlocking its highest potential to improve your overall health. Once you have trained your hip flexors, all the good results beneficial to your health will follow.

Overview of Unlock Your Hip Flexors

After you have paid for the program, you will be given direct access to all the information that you need. You can download the e-book and access it anytime and anywhere you want. The program is divided into the following parts:

Main Manual

Here you will find the 63-page main manual that will talk about the hip flexors and all the exercises that you need to do in strengthening your hips. It will also explain how your hip flexor helps in improving your overall wellbeing. Once you have fully understood how it works and its importance, you can now proceed to the execution of the designed exercises for the benefit of your hip’s mobility.

Coaching Video

Aside from the written content, the creator himself, Mike, will explain to your deliberately, the proper way in executing all the ten performances included in the program. This is to guide the users and to avoid confusion when performing the exercise routine.

Follow Along Video

Now that you understand how it is performed, you can move on to the follow-along video. The only difference between these videos from the coaching videos is that you'll be dealing with a female trainee. She will perform the exercises without any word or explanation. This video is useful when you don’t want to be disturbed while you are exercising.
In a nutshell, you will find a manual that talks about the ten-step process, a detailed description of all the exercises that you need to follow, and the DVD video showing how Mike is executing all the exercises mentioned in the routine.

There are six different parts that you will encounter in this program:

1. PNF Stretching

The Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretching is the first part of the module. In this technique, you will learn to relax some joint muscles in your body to decrease the stiffness.

This is the first part of the program, and it focuses on reducing the stiffness before you move on to the next level.

2. Dynamic Stretching

In this part, after you have activated your muscles, you will progress into a more complex stretching. Its focus is to increase the motion around your joints and also to warm up the muscle that surrounds.

The technique helps to improve the blood circulation in your joints.

3. Dimensional Core Stability Exercises
This part will talk about the exercises that target your muscles. It helps to activate your core muscles and improve your endurance. It also helps to suppress the stress on your joints.

4. Mobility Exercises

This section of the program is intended for your joints. This series of exercises will help you to improve the function of your joints. If you feel uncomfortable when moving a lot, this section will help to get rid of the discomfort.

5. Fascia Stretching

As the name implies, this exercise focuses on improving the issues around the fascia. This section will teach you how to loosen and strengthen your fascia.

6. Muscle Activation Movement

If you are one of the many people who spend most of their time in front of a computer, sitting for too long, and being sedentary, then this section is extremely beneficial for you.

The function of our muscles deteriorates the more we are inactive. The technique includes exercises that will help to activate your muscles and allows you to function accordingly.

The program also includes some bonuses.

Bonuses Included

Here are the following bonuses that you can enjoy with purchasing this program:

Unlock Your Tight Hamstrings Manual & Videos

This bonus section will talk about how you can further strengthen your tight hips. It also comes with a manual, one coach video, and one
follow-along video.

The 7-Day Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Due to inflammation, a lot of people are at risk of chronic diseases and illnesses. This bonus talks about a one-week diet plan that you can
use if you are suffering from any kind of inflammation and how you can treat it at your own home.

The benefits
Here are the following benefits that you can enjoy should you decide to purchase the Unlock Your Hip Flexor program:

1. It improves your athletic performance

If you are an athlete, you should know too well that strengthening your body is crucial. Before you work on improving your skills in
whatever sports you indulge in, you should first strengthen your body. The Unlock Your Hip Flexor program will allow you to improve your
athletic performance. In a month or two, you will notice an incredible change to your athletic performance, now that your body is capable of
doing such enduring activities.

2. It helps you to achieve a flat stomach

A flat stomach can do wonders for your self-esteem. If you’ve been wanting to wear that cute bikini for a long time, but couldn’t bring
yourself to do it because of your belly fat, then you should consider the Unlock Your Hip Flexor program. This program will promote a good
balance of your abdominal muscles and hip flexors to help you achieve a lean and toned belly. You should keep in mind that if your hip
flexors are immobile, you are more likely to gain weight in the long run.

3. It treats your back pain

You should know by now that if your hip flexors are immobile, it will most likely put a strain that your back muscles are suffering. This is
why you feel back pain most of the time. By doing the right exercises that will help to strengthen your hip muscles, you'll be able to treat
your back pain. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke states that approximately 80% of adults suffer from lower back
problems. This states of how widespread back pain is, yet it is neglected by many.

4. It promotes good posture

Good posture will not only make you look good but is also beneficial to your health. Training your hip flexors will promote a balance between your lower body and upper body. As a result, you'll have a good posture while you are walking, sitting, or whatever you are doing. People who are struggling to maintain a good posture are most likely suffering from an immobile hip flexor.

5. It helps to regulate your blood circulation

Tight and immobile hip flexors will be most likely to restrict your blood circulation. As a result, you are at risk of chronic heart diseases, stroke, and weight gain. Training your hip flexors will allow you to improve your blood circulation. Now you can sleep a good night’s sleep and improve your sexual health. Numerous studies have found out the connection between your sexual health and abdominal health.

6. It boosts your sex drive

If you are unhappy with your sexual performance, you should step back and take a look at your overall wellbeing first. Before you risk yourself drinking products that carry the promise of a higher libido, you must improve your health first. Trained hip flexors are shown to contribute to better sexual performance. Wow your partner with your improved drive just by training your hip flexors to achieve its highest potential.

Pros & Cons


Improving your overall health is not a comfortable journey. But all the hard work will be worth it once you can enjoy an improved and healthy version of yourself.

For those who are looking for an effective a program specifically focused on improving the mobility of their hip flexors, the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program is highly recommended.

From its well-written content, high-resolution videos, and follow-along videos, it is an excellent value for your invested money.

If you don’t start today and continue your sedentary lifestyle, you will mostly suffer from the consequences of your actions in the future.
This program can change your life.

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